What is a Sleep Study And What Will Happen During One

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, your physician may ask you to have a sleep apnea testing, known as a polysomnogram. This may be performed in a sleep disorder center or even at home. 

A polysomnogram is a multiple-component test that electronically transmits & records exact bodily activities when you asleep. The recordings are assessed by a sleep specialist to find out whether you’ve sleep apnea or any other sleep disorder. If sleep apnea is discovered, you may be asked to conduct further sleep testing to find out the most favorable treatment plan. 

What to anticipate during a sleep study:

On the night of your sleep study, if you are in a sleep testing center lab, you will be allocated to a private bedroom in the hospital. Close to the bedroom will be a central screening area, where the technicians screen sleeping patients. 

You will be hooked up to devices that may seem uneasy, but the majority of patients fall asleep with little difficulty. 

Types of equipment regularly used for a sleep study:

During a sleep study, surface electrodes will be placed on your scalp and face and will transmit documented electrical signals to the measuring device. These signals, which are produced by your brain & muscle activity, are then documented digitally. Belts will be placed around your abdomen and chest to assess your breathing pattern. A bandage-like oximeter probe will be placed on your finger to assess the volume of oxygen in your blood. 

Other Tests used for Sleep Apnea are the following:

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