What Are The Different Types of Sleep Apnea Testing?

Are you experiencing the signs of sleep apnea? Do you have symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing? Want to go through a sleep apnea testing? In this case, you should visit the nearest sleep testing center. Sleep diagnostic testing centers provide patients the proper sleep disorder tests and then begin treatment with the right approach.

The types of sleep apnea testing done:

1. Polysomnogram or PSG:

This type of sleep testing is done to diagnose your sleep disorder. PSG is a diagnostic tool. Polysomnogram sleep test is conducted overnight at the sleep testing center. A wide range of sleep disorders is diagnosed by using PSG tool, such as:
  1. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, and sleep-related breathing disorders 
  2. Abnormal actions or behavior (while sleeping)
  3. Narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia
  4. Advanced sleep phase syndrome, delayed sleep phase syndrome, or non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome
  5. Restless leg syndrome, bruxism, and other sleep related movement disorders.
2. MSLT or Multiple Sleep Latency Test:

If a patient is complaining about excessive daytime sleepiness, then an MSLT sleep test is done. Multiple sleep latency test is done to diagnose idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsy. This is a full-day test with five scheduled naps (scheduled two hours apart). MSLT test measures how quickly the patient falls asleep in a quiet environment in the daytime. 

3. CPAP Study:

CPAP or Continuous positive airway pressure therapy is used to manage sleep-related breathing disorders like obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and hypoventilation. In a sleep laboratory, the CPAP titration studies are done to monitor patients breathing and adjust air pressure. During a CPAP study or titration session, a patient’s breathing, heart rate, oxygen levels, brain waves, and arm/leg movement are diagnosed. 

4. Split Night Study:

Patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea normally go through this type of test. During the first part of the split night study, polysomnography is done and followed up with CPAP titration. Patients’ PAP settings are determined in the same night. Patients having severe sleep apnea or who do not want to come for a second night test are the best candidates for a split study test. 

5. MWT or Maintenance of Wakefulness Test:

MWT test challenges patients to stay awake through periodic trails. This type of test is administered over a full day at a sleep testing center. It measures how awake the patient is during the day. AMWT test is done to determine if the patient’s previous CPAP therapy or medication is successful or not. 

Key points to remember:
  1. A night of good sleep is important for both the body and mind to function in the right way
  2. Sleep apnea testing is the first step to diagnose sleep disorders
  3. Sleep diagnostic testing centers study a patient’s sleep cycle and identify the disturbances related to a sleep disorder. 
If you are experiencing sleep disorder, then find a nearby sleep apnea testing center to get diagnosed in the right way. 
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